Effective Time Management tips to promote work-life balance

According to new research undertaken by Ulster University economists, just over 17% of the Northern Ireland workforce is engaged in some form of remote working. The increase of hybrid working environments has enabled employees to benefit from a greater work-life balance, which improves their mental health, and benefits the business. Employees with a good work-life balance are more efficient, productive and motivated, and in order to maintain a healthy work-life balance, effective time management is key. Here are some tips which I have found useful to help you manage your time more effectively:

1.Create a to-do list:

Although this may sound simple, it’s a task often overlooked, and by planning your day in advance it allows you to prioritize your tasks more effectively and factor in appropriate times for breaks. Plus who doesn’t love the satisfaction of ticking items off a list throughout the working day?

2. Limit Distractions & separate your working environment:

When working from home it can be easy to look around the house and get distracted by what needs to be done, so creating a designated workspace will not only enable focus, but it will separate your ‘work time’ from ‘home time’.

Particularly when in the middle of something really important, it is key to identify common distractions and minimise them such as turning off non-essential notifications and setting aside specific times for checking emails.

3.      Set boundaries:

This works both ways; things like communicating your work hours with family, friends and colleagues and avoiding checking work emails and messages during personal time enables you to switch off and be present.

4.      Delegate:

Something that a lot of individuals struggle with, but it’s important to recognise what tasks you can delegate amongst your team to allow you to focus on your priorities. Trusting your team to pick up on these tasks will free your mind from stressing over things that don’t need to be on your plate, allowing you to complete your workday more efficiently.

These are only a fraction of the steps you can take to ensure a healthy work-life balance, but by implementing small steps you can enhance your productivity, reduce your stress and ultimately achieve a more balanced life.

Stephanie McMaster

Senior Programme Coordinator

Full Circle Management Solutions


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